TCI's CrossFilm™ food belts are designed from an all-PTFE material for contact grilling applications. The unique multidirectional strength and stress-crack resistance of CrossFilm™ allow it to be a self-supporting material, removing the need for reinforcements like fiberglass which are susceptible to chemical attack. 100% PTFE CrossFilm™ eliminates the concern of corrosion, ensuring TCI's food belts maintain a reliable and predictable performance for challenging chemical/thermal environments. This can reduce costly and unplanned down-time from random belt failure. CrossFilm™ has tremendous flexing capability, easily outlasting fiberglass reinforced materials and other PTFE products in high flex applications. The flexible, tear resistant material is available in thicknesses ranging from 0.015" (0.38 mm) to 0.018" (0.46 mm).